This is a series tutorial about QGIS 3 programming with Python (PyQGIS). I am
trying to do my best to give explanation about QGIS Python programming with
some examples. The tutorial will be discussed some topics such as working with
vector and raster data, marker, map canvas, symbol, etc.
It's not a complete tutorial, so I will add more topics as I gain a new
insight or knowledge. I am using QGIS 3.0 for the tutorial.
Getting Started
Adding Vector Layer
Adding Raster Layer
Working with Vector Layer
Add/Delete Field and Updating Attribute Value
Adding CSV Data
Drawing Marker
Drawing Polyline and Polygon
Animate GPS Track
Set and Reload Basemap Datasource
Online Courses
Introduction to QGIS Python Programming
PyQGIS: Conquer the Geospatial World
Automated GIS Workflow with PyQGIS